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Limited on time but not on desire? These mini immersions are PERFECT for a few hours (or a full single day) of "disconnecting to reconnect", without having to embark on a multiple day journey! Check back often for new locations being added to my Small Group "Intro to Nature Therapy" sessions!


Custom Scheduling

Shinrin meaning "forest" and Yoku meaning "bath" in Japanese is a Japanese practice known (scientifically) to reduce stress levels, help us think more clearly, restore vitality and bridge the gap between us and the natural world.
We will allow nature enter through our ears, eyes, nose, mouth (when possible), hands and feet.
Studies also show that people who spend regular, mindful time, unplugged in forests have lower heart rates, lower cortisol levels (stress hormone), lower blood pressure and higher parasympathetic nerve activity. Overall improving our physical and mental quality of life.
Please keep in mind, like all other therapy modalities, Nature Therapy is not a "one session, fix all" approach. Nature therapy takes time for each person to process and understand BUT I can tell you from personal experience that you can certainly get a glimpse of its life enhancing benefits after the very first session!
This 1 on 1 option is ideal for those who want the freedom to schedule their sessions according to their availability.
Investment: $159/session, purchased individually OR $433 for 3 prepaid sessions (save $15 per session).
Check out my "small group" option for a similar experience at a lower price.

Image by Bailey Zindel


Next Session is May 22nd 2021 at 11:00am

Awaken and align with this power hour of Nature Therapy/Shinrin Yoku introductory experience!

We will meet at beautiful Yosemite National Park where we will then drop into our Nature Therapy (Shinrin Yoku) intro session. I will explain what Shinrin Yoku is, where and when it originated, the benefits of forest bathing and how to do it (and NOT do it). Then, I will guide you through a couple of therapeutic mindfulness practices before setting you free to embark on your own experience of "Forest Bathing" for a set amount of time before bringing us all back together to share what we each encountered within and without while connecting with nature, sharing is optional. A light snack will be provided at this time. I am vegan, so the snacks will be vegan.

Each participant will also be given a "Shinrin Yoku in a bottle" essential oil blend as a keepsake, to bring the experience and benefits home with you, long after our time together has ended. Use topically for a soothing self massage, diffuse it in your home, or put on your reflex points.


* Intro to Shinrin Yoku (Forest Bathing) Informative Mini Class

* Shinrin Yoku (Forest Therapy) Session

* A Full Sized Dropper Bottle of "Shinrin Yoku in a Bottle" Essential Oil Blend

* Vegan Snacks


* This event is for people 12 and older. Parent signature required for minors.

* Do not embark on ANY new physical activity before consulting your physician first.

* Water NOT included, please bring your own hydration. I will be providing light snacks such as trail mix and fruit.

* Bring a towel, blanket or exercise mat to sit on for the "mini class" portion of the session

* You will be emailed the exact meeting point after signing up.

* Entrance into the park is not included. This can be purchased at the park entrance gate.

* Reserve your spot via email at Please send me your Venmo information in this reservation email.

* The price for Group Sessions is set to slightly increase in 2022

Image by Johannes Andersson


Upcoming Sessions: TBA

Allow me to take you on a journey into your own mind & body through deep stretching & mindful breath work; utilizing a few helpful props and personalized guidance every step of the way. Enjoy this nurturing experience all in a soothing outdoor setting.
Who is this class for?
* Those who desire to feel deeply relaxed, grounded & peaceful.
* Those who desire to become more flexible & mobile.
* Those who desire to push beyond their mental limits and do deep work in their bodies, using professional guidance and their breath.
* Those who want to practice a little weekly self love. Like SUPER self love!
* Those who want to be pampered & are not afraid of being touched. Aromatherapy scalp, neck, and forehead massage are offered at the end of each class.
What to bring:
* An exercise mat 
* A bolster, strap, blanket & sandbag (I have a couple of extra sets for rent on a first come basis. These are for $7 per set.
* Water for post session
* Class size limit is 4 students MAX
* Session are 75-90 minutes long 
* Reserve your spot via email at Please send me your Venmo information in this reservation email.
* Investment is $15 per class / per person.
* Upcoming summer series begins July 2nd. Discounts available for pre-booking the entire summer series up front.

Image by Natalie Grainger


Day Trip - Date TBA

Waterfall hike, picnic, fun photos, nature therapy & more!

Get in Touch
Road Trip

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind"
- Job 12:7-10

Mini Immersions: Classes
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